At Distinctive|RS we believe doing what we can to ensure each and every contract the highest chance of success. With this in mind, let’s discuss one of the most important aspects of the application process, references. While it is common knowledge that a minimum of 2 or 3 references is required when applying for most jobs, there can be challenges obtaining them. If you’re having challenges obtaining reliable references for job applications, here are three quick tips that should help out.
1. Always ask your immediate supervisor if you can use them as a reference when exiting a contract or facility. While most contracts don’t have a provision preventing you from asking your contract supervisor to be a reference, you may want to review your contract to ensure there are no restrictions preventing it
.2. List your immediate supervisors from your last few jobs on your resume in the reference section with the main number for the facility as the contact number. If called, most supervisors will not reject the reference check, unless it’s against facility policy. At which point the supervisor will direct your recruiter to HR.
3. Don’t use friends, family, or your recruiter for clinical roles. The facility you are applying to will be are most interested in your clinical performance. Unfortunately, neither friends, family or your recruiter can evaluate your onsite performance given they usually don’t work with you or in your field, your recruiter is included.
4. If you’re stuck, you can always call the facilities you worked for and ask for previous supervisors to get their permission to list them as a reference. When allowed most supervisors will not deny you if you ask them to be a reference. When not allowed, they will usually direct your recruiter to HR to complete the reference check.
In the next video we’ll cover why it never looks good applying with no references… for now don’t be afraid to ask.
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