4 easy ways to manage workplace conflict

Distinctive|RS: Tips from the Tops Vol. 6

Workplace conflict is inevitable. Rather a contract or a permanent employee, it happens to most and the best of us at some point. Workplace conflict can create unnecessary stress, it can make one feel vulnerable, pressured, and on edge or paranoid. If workplace conflict is not managed properly, it can, and will have severe effects that will usually end with a resignation or termination. With all this in mind… here are 4 easy ways to manage workplace conflict to ensure you avoid trouble in the work place and remain in good standing.

1. Call your recruiter or manager. It is always ok to have an off site or closed door meeting with your recruiter or hiring manager. This is the very first thing you should do… Let me repeat that… this is the very first thing you should do… you want to ensure the conflict is documented and your side of the story is accounted for immediately.

2. Ignore trouble. This can be difficult, but the easiest path to workplace success is to avoid trouble makers and trouble along the path. Of course you always want to maintain professionalism and courtesy. A friendly good morning and goodnight are always appropriate. However, beyond that you are not required to circulate around or entertain trouble in the workplace. Be courteous and forward moving.

3. Remember your patients or clients. Your patients or clients are the primary reason you are there. As you’re ignoring trouble, invest time in having fun managing and treating your patients or clients. A smile and laughter given is often a smile and laughter returned. In the face of trouble, remember why you’re there.

4. Don’t let one bad apple ruin the bunch. Keep your friends close. Whatever you do, do not let one or two unpleasant coworkers cause you to blame the group. Be kind to those who are kind, laugh with those who laugh, hang out with those who are open to hanging out with you. I’m sure you’re not the only one having challenges and I’ll bet most have challenges with the same one or two persons that you do.

Remember, when facing conflict, call your recruiter or manager, ignore trouble, focus on your patients or clients and why you’re there, and don’t let one bad apple ruin the bunch. Keep working and having fun, in spite of small conflicts.

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